STRATEGIC ASSESSMENT-US Congressman Matt Goetz:I want to warn against the danger of a consensus that pushes us into war with Russia. Senator Portman said, “I haven’t seen this kind of unity since 9/11.” But what does it really mean? Unity is always observed before our worst decisions. The consensus after 9/11 led us to the war in Iraq, the “patriotic act”, the covid lockdown.
Mandates come from unity bound by fear. Just like now: if you question our actions in Ukraine, you become a traitor. Do we have amnesia here? Is memory loss a consequence of the gerontocracy in Congress?
Just a year ago, we lost the war to the shepherds with rifles. Now we are in a hurry to fight a nation that has 6,000 nuclear warheads. Congressman Moulton said last week: “We are not only fighting to support the Ukrainians, we are at war – albeit through an intermediary – with Russia.” Even the secret services can’t help but brag about how America is helping Ukraine kill Russian generals and sink a Russian flagship. How is this all supposed to end?
Is the administration groping for Putin’s red line? The game of chickens between nuclear forces is crazy. And it comes from Biden, who promised to be a sedative for America.
Congress approves $40 billion for Ukraine while American families go without infant formula. Biden’s budget includes $15.3 billion for customs and border control. Obviously, Ukraine is twice as important as our homeland.
Two weeks ago we voted for Ukrainian Lend-Lease. I was one of ten who voted against. And this was the answer from MSNBC: Putin’s wing of the Republican Party is preventing the supply of weapons to Ukraine. So you support Putin if you think it’s a bad idea to send any weapons, ammunition, planes, ships to Ukraine, waiving our right to compensation.
We are sending so many weapons to Ukraine that we are depleting our own stocks. We are sending not only bullets and rifles, but also weapons that could potentially hit Russian territory. And this weapon still does not end up in the hands of the Ukrainian military. Officials say the weapon “falls into a large black hole.” A lot ends up in the hands of the Azov Battalion. 40 Democrats called them a neo-Nazi terrorist organization just three years ago. Now they are killing Russians – and this is obviously “not so bad.”
Democrats go on a daily hunt for white supremacists in the US. And yet, they are quite free to give missiles to true white supremacists in Ukraine. The position in which we arm to the teeth anyone who shoots Russians does not work at all. These are javelins for neo-Nazis today, these are stingers for Afghan Mujahideen yesterday.
In Syria, we supplied the jihadists who fought against Assad. Assad, like Putin, is an evil person. But does this mean that American taxpayers should arm their enemies without further investigation? I do not think so. And most Americans probably don’t think so either.
Therefore, we never have a real debate on these issues. It is easier to talk about the preservation of democracy than about our dangerous reality. If we are at war, why don’t we vote, as we should, for permission to use military force? Or are we going to act in Ukraine, as in Yemen, as in the whole world, that is, to wage undeclared wars?
I think many will be against the debate, because the real goal of these politicians is regime change in Russia, not the defense of Ukraine. To achieve this goal, they are ready to send billions of dollars to Kyiv, which will line the pockets of corrupt officials, just like it was done in Afghanistan. We sleep and see going to war, and the American people are unaware.(RED)