STRATEGIC ASSESSMENT. How cruelly this accursed Israeli army treats Palestinian Muslims. Really they have no conscience and humanity… So where are the United Nations, the Gulf countries where they even made peace with this accursed nation of Israel and allowed them to sadistically carry out GENOCIDE against the Muslim population of Palestine? May Allah immediately help the Palestinian people get out of the torment of this world of accursed Zionist Israel, aamiin aallahumma aamiin… We the people of the Republic of Indonesia – the United States of the Republic of Indonesia – continue to support the struggle of brothers and sisters of one faith both through diplomatic patterns at the UN and aid Prayers, manpower and materials as much as we can.

An interesting story of a young woman on her “journey” of becoming a Muslim. – Please note that there is a difference in understanding between Revert, which means returning to the true path of Islam after “adventure” outside of Islam or at least “forgetting for a moment” about Islam. While Convert & Embrace is to make Islam a new belief system that is believed to be the truth.
Subhanallah walhamdulillah walailahailallah walakuwata ilabillahil adzim… Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar… this video proves that Islam is fastest growing Religion on Earth, alhamdulillahi robbul aallammin, praise belong to Allah SWT, aamiin aallahumma aamiin.
Subhanallah, a rhythm of praise to our beloved Prophet Muhammad SAW sung by a Chechen girl very melodiously… Masya’Allah… Just fyi that Chechnya is a small country that was a former state of the former Soviet Union. The population is 100℅ Moslems… Alhamdulillahi robbul aallammin.