STRATEGIC ASSESSMENT. Finally U20 world cup does not held in 6 province of Indonesia, when Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo and Bali province, I Wayan Koster had made controvertial statement, when they had rejected the participstion of U 20 Israel team. After their controvertial comment, both of these PDIP’s cadre have been taken mocking in social media and the grassrooots of football supporters around Indonesia.

According to current news, PDIP”s secretary general Hasto Kristiyanto said PDIP political stance has take because they are afraid if the participstion of U 20 Israel football team is going to politicize with opponent groups to push impeachment maneuvre to President Jokowi.
Previously Jokowi did not feel political intention to him behind the participation of U20 Israel team and Jokowi had given opinion if Indonesia had chosen as U 20 world cup hometown after Indonesia had succeed to follow FIFA bising and since those time, nobody does not know about Israel’s participation.
After FIFA decided to erase Indonesia as U 20 world cup hometown or committee, PSSI chair Erick Thohir had flown to FIFA headaqarter to try Indonesia does not take seriously sanction, and Erick Thohir had succeed to do his mission.
Politically, from this moment, Indonesian people especially national football eco system have known the capacity of Erick Thohir, and in other sides they are knowing and remembering Ganjat Pranowo and PDIP including others group which had same political position such as PKS, MUI and PA 212. The eco systen of football grassrooots mau be predicted they are not chosing in 2024 general elections (Red)