STRATEGIC ASSESSMENT-Friday, July 15, 2022, in his office we interviewed Spiritual figures from Kalimantan, Borneo, from the interview that the upcoming 2024 presidential candidate is a gallant and young, agile and energetic military figure who is known among the public as well as young people and the international world, he is the General TNI Andika Perkasa in the government structure as Commander of the TNI.
He is very good and perfect in this work said Spiritual Kalimantan borneo land Habib Bustaman that Andika is very suitable and will definitely reach his peak as president with a partner with Deputy (Andika & Airlanga Ketum Golkar, Andika & Puan PDIP, Andika and Salim Segaf PKS or ANDIKA & Muhaimin PKB good with anyone ANDIKA PERKASA has a clear vision and mission for the future of Indonesia.
Besides that, he must have the heirlooms of the 7 Continents Dragon Snake Mustika and the blue Bayu Mustika belonging to Sunan Kalijaga given by the Prophet Khaidir AS, Raja Singosari’s Keris and King Hayam Wuruk’s Ring (King of Majapahit), the heirlooms of the Ring of Grandmother Prabu Siliwangi & Gajah Mada Prince Samber Nyowo to be equal with the leader of the first RI Soekarano and the second RI Suharto because the most powerful presidents are only 2 This person has high charisma and authority as a world leader honestly Habib Bustaman says he doesn’t know and is not close to Andika only Habib Sees telepathically Marifat in the Kaaba is Andika who was sitting munching connected to the Throne.
According to this spiritual figure from the Land of Borneo, Andika’s opportunity is very big, said Habib Bustaman, who had helped his services to win Anis Baswedan and Sandiaga Uno during the 2017 DKI Pilkada until Anis and Sandi won the DKI Pilkada.
According to several sources, both prominent figures from the Jakarta community, during the DKI Jakarta Pilkada, on paper, it was impossible for Anis Baswedan and Sandi to win the DKI Pilkada because during the first round of the DKI Jakarta Pilkada, Habib saw very dark clouds in Jakarta, until Habibie met the chairman of the winning team, AHY SILVI, Major General Purn Narawi Ramli, that the next day the AHY election he lost did not enter the second round and the results were proven.
Meanwhile, in the second round, the sky and clouds in Jakarta were pitch black, but Habib said that Anis would win a landslide victory and Anis’s Success Team, Mr. Aksa Mahmud, his younger brother, Yusuf Kalla, said that in the elite Menteng area, they would not win.
he said but habib convinced him that anis would win absolutely because the supernatural forces of heaven and earth will help through the power of heaven and earth with the guidance of the karomah stone, teach aswat, mecca by means of Sharia, Order, essence and Marifat which is not owned by anyone because the position is a mandate that must be carried out.
Habib again said that for President 2024 until now Habib said the chances of Andika Perkasa winning 68% to become President in 2024 2029 as long as it was worked on maximally and a solid team existed at all levels of society as a whole and supported by all .
And we have prepared an organization with 10 million members in all provinces and foreign representatives and has been prepared from January 2020, 514 City Districts there are teams in 7094 sub-districts, 83447 Village Villages and high-level spiritual assistance by Habib
and the instructions are very clear through the teaching stone aswat mecca, which 2024 presidential candidate who is supported by habib will win by Allah’s permission.
Looking at the current condition, the chances of the President in 2024 2029 are people who were born in the Pasundan country who will emerge as President in 2024 2029, they are those who were born from the Pasundan area (born in the Jakarta, Banten and West Java areas) they are:
1) TNI General Andika Perkasa (TNI Commander)
2) Lieutenant General Retired Prabowo Subianto (Minister of Defense)
3) Puan Maharani (Chairman of DPRRI)
4) Anis Baswedan Phd (Governor of DKI Jakarta)
5) Major Retired Agus Harimurti (Ketum Democrat)
6) Ridwan Kamil, Governor of West Java
Khasaf Habib Bustaman Says that those who are supported by God’s permission will certainly have the opportunity to become President because the rotation cycle has been seen and carried out
Susilo Bambang Yudoyono has represented East Java (Singosari and Majapahit.
Jokowi Represents Central Java (Mataram) Andika Perkasa Represents Pasundan (Pajajaran) Said he who understands the meaning of Sacred Lordship which is not owned by anyone. Said Spiritual Leader Habib Bustaman this is the spirituality of the late Mbah Tarjo PDIP representative of DPRRI in the field of Korpol
From the current situation, a president like the mighty Andika is urgently needed because he can accommodate political opponents and friends.