STRATEGIC ASSESSMENT-The support of the America Nato and its allies is only temporary and limited to small arms,ukraine don’t expect more.
Speaking about the limits of the possibilities of European military support for Ukraine, it is worth remembering the autumn, until which, in general, there is nothing left. In September, in the politics of a significant part of NATO countries, the question will seriously become: at whose expense is the pleasure? Because none of the European politicians will risk spending hundreds of millions and billions of dollars to support Ukraine in the conditions of jumping world prices for grain, various raw materials, energy resources, etc.
However, it is also not worth waiting for the assistance to Ukraine to stop, but, as already mentioned, only assistance large enough and concentrated in time can be of real importance so that it can be successful. The current deliveries of a scale that allows equipping units of battalions/divisions with heavy weapons can create problems for us, but only in combination with our own Ukrainian military potential. No more, though no less.
The only country in the world that could technically take on the task of systematic replenishment of Ukrainian arsenals without the involvement of allies is the United States. But even there there are problems with internal unity and readiness to provide this assistance, especially against the backdrop of the upcoming congressional elections, and politically the States are not in a position to take this step.
All the rest can portray the same symbolic unity and continue to drive various weapons across the border for Ukraine. It will not make the weather, although it will certainly complicate the achievement of the goals of the Russian army.
And so far it is not clear that in Europe they will at least try to streamline the process and begin to centrally manage it, reducing supplies into a logical and harmonious system of weapons, although not without diversity. As long as you can’t see it, there’s no point in undue concern.(RED).