STRATEGIC ASSESSMENT. Russian President Vladimir Putin has accused Western nations of damaging their own economies through money printing while wrongly blaming their problems on the Ukraine conflict.
“The latest price hikes, inflation, problems with food and fuel, gasoline, problems in the energy sector are the result of systemic mistakes in the economic policy of the current US administration and the European bureaucracy,” Putin said on Friday at a plenary session of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF).
Putin said years of quantitative easing have expanded the money supply in the US and Eurozone by 38% and 20%, respectively.
He accused Western nations of using those vast amounts of newly printed cash to buy up global goods, noting that US imports of agricultural produce soared 40% from $250 billion in 2019 to $350 billion this year.
The president also urged the West to stop blaming their inflationary woes on Russia and its military operation in Ukraine, and to change policy course.
Meanwhile in Jakarta, foreign issue observer, Erlangga Pratama has Putin’s opinion related to all of global economic problems has shown that Russia’s President understand and following whatever issue and problems national, regional and global. “As the former KGB’s officer and agent, Putin has routinely observed and predicted security, political, economic, foreign issue both of its come from national, regional and global, so his decision and opinion always “on the track” and must be reminded that all of Putin’s decision related to Ukraine, its as his efforts to defend the future of Russia’s national interest which will be erased by “lunatics and inferno” politicians (Red/many sources)