STRATEGIC ASSESSMENT. Pope Francis touched down in Jakarta to start the first leg of his Asia-Pacific tour, with his arrival hailed by the country’s interfaith groups as a significant move for promoting tolerance and peace. Pope Francis received a red-carpet welcome and was greeted by several Indonesian officials. The pontiff was also welcomed by religious and civil groups. “May this visit solidify harmony among the peoples of our nations and invigorate the sense of humanity and brotherhood everywhere,” said Yahya Cholil Staquf, chairman of the country’s largest Muslim group Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), in a recorded statement. Muhammadiyah Chair Haedar Nashir in a statement called the visit “meaningful” for both Indonesia and the pope.
Muhammadiyah Central Council Chair Haedar Nashir in a written statement asked the government to have a dialogue with Pope Francis regarding world peace. He suggested that the government also convey the nation’s position on the issue of world peace, especially what is happening in Palestine. According to Haedar, Pope Francis’ visit to Indonesia can be used as a momentum to take the initiative and develop the role of world peace.
The Indonesian Communion of Churches, a protestant group, said the visit could provide momentum for Indonesia to further embrace itself as a diverse country, despite occasional friction between groups.
President Jokowi welcomed Pope Francis, calling the visit historic. According to the president, during the four-day visit, Pope Francis will hold state meetings and meet with diplomatic corps and community representatives as well as interfaith figures at Istiqlal Mosque. The Pope will also lead a grand mass at GBK Stadium.
A humanitarian document on interfaith harmony will be signed by the Pope and the Grand Imam of Istiqlal Mosque, Nasaruddin Umar, “thoroughly prepared by the religious communities between the Vatican and the Indonesian Bishops’ Conference and the Istiqlal Mosque,” according to Foreign Minister Marsudi.
Foreign Affairs Minister Retno Marsudi said that Pope Francis pays his visit during a difficult time with conflicts, wars, and instability are occurring in many parts of the world. The Pope’s visit has the potential to strengthen the message of the global importance of brotherhood, tolerance, and peace.
President Jokowi announced that he will meet with world’s Catholic leader Pope Francis at the Presidential Palace in Jakarta in early September to discuss several issues. Jokowi said that he and the Pope would discuss world peace in Gaza, the situation in Ukraine, and other world conflicts. The head of state also expressed his intent to accompany Pope Francis as much as possible during his visit to the Istiqlal Mosque or Gelora Bung Karno (GBK) Stadium in Jakarta.
Indonesian Ambassador to the Holy See Michael Trias Kuncahyono said the purpose of Pope Francis’ visit to Indonesia is to promote respect for the freedom of religion, especially Catholicism.