STRATEGIC ASSESSMENT- Theoretically, and at first glance, the idea of the enemy’s army turning against the current Netanyahu government seems to be an unlikely, insane and unfeasible idea. In fact, the unprecedented existential crisis that Israel is experiencing today has no solution except within several scenarios, perhaps the most important of which are the following:
First, for the criminals from the Hilltop Boys and the murderous Kahanists (led by Smotrich and Ben-Gvir) to back down and stop practicing their madness by stopping their pressure on Netanyahu, and pushing him to go to the extreme and turn Israel into a religious state in the form of a Zionist-Jewish version of ISIS. It does not seem that this option is even 1 per cent likely, as these murderers who are convicted of crimes, even according to the Occupation’s law, have become like a cat licking a knife, thinking it is licking the blood of a valuable prey when, in fact, it is licking its own blood. It seems like they are proceeding with the implementation of their plan until their dying breath.
Many are unaware of the details of this plan. With regard to the criminal Ben-Gvir, he believes, according to his mad messianic belief, that his mission is to pour oil on the fire whenever its light begins to extinguish, because this brings the great confrontation closer and the Battle of Armageddon, where the Jews will be victorious over their enemies (including the Palestinians and Arabs).and turn them into slaves and servants. This battle also includes the destruction of Al-Aqsa and the emergence of their “messiah” who will support the Jews. Those who do not believe this must look into the true ideology that drives this imbecile.
As for his friend, Smotrich, he has a more detailed vision of bringing “peace” to “the land of Israel” as he drew up a plan that he claims will end the Palestinian-Zionist conflict. This plan involves the Palestinians choosing between living within a Jewish state with incomplete rights, emigrating or killing those who insist on armed resistance. He has already begun executing his plan on the ground after Netanyahu appointed him as an uncrowned “king” of the West Bank.
This criminal’s plan was published in Hashiloach magazine under the title “Israel’s Decisive Plan”, considering that the two-state solution has reached a dead end and it is time to “break the model” and “find the appropriate way out of this endless cycle”, as he says. According to him, achieving this goal requires actions first, which he has already set in motion, by applying full Israeli sovereignty over the areas in the West Bank and ending the settlement conflict in the form of establishing new cities and settlements deep in the region and bringing hundreds of thousands of additional settlers to live in them. He believes this “will make it clear to everyone that there is no turning back from the reality in the West Bank, that Israel is here to stay and that the Arab dream of a state in the West Bank is no longer viable.
As for the Palestinians, Smotrich believes that they have two main alternatives: Those who agree to give up their national aspirations can stay and live as individuals in the “Jewish state” and enjoy all the benefits that the “Jewish state” has brought to the occupied territory (!), while those who choose not to give up their national aspirations will receive aid to immigrate to one of the many countries in which Arabs have realised their national aspirations, or to any other destination in the world.
“Not everyone will adopt one of these two options. There will be those who will continue to choose another option,” Smotrich said, referring to the resistance to the occupation, stressing that they will be dealt with by the security forces with a strong hand and under conditions that make it easier to do so.
Smotrich claimed that this plan is “the most just and most moral by all standards – historical, Zionist and Jewish”, and it is the only option that can lead to calm, peace and true coexistence!
The second option is for the two parties to the conflict to agree. The two parties are the government and its supporters, and the opposition and its masses scattered in the squares, protesting in the thousands. It involves reaching a compromise, to restore matters to the way they were, and get the Israeli occupation out of its suffocating crisis. This is an option that seems the most impossible at the moment, as all of the signs suggest that Netanyahu preferred personal salvation over the salvation of the “state” that he leads. In the last vote in the enemy’s parliament (the Knesset) to abolish the reasonableness condition in the decisions of the Supreme Court, one analyst described the scene by saying: Netanyahu saved himself and destroyed Israel, and there is no possibility on the horizon for either party backing down from their decision or giving up their position. The rifts that split the Israeli community in Palestine have reached major heights.
In short, so far, this option has no reasonable chance of being applied on the ground.
As for the last option, it is for Israel to turn to the option of civil war, which, according to the latest opinion poll, is no longer impossible, as it had been before. Maariv newspaper’s poll, conducted by the Lazar Institute, showed that 58 per cent of Israel’s settlers fear a civil war. It is an option, I think, that the “deep state” will not allow to take place in the US or Israel itself. I believe its alternative is to orchestrate a “military coup” in a modern and innovative manner that may occur in the form of orchestrating the death of Netanyahu alone or others from the religious Zionist camp, paving the way for parliamentary elections that will definitely be in favour of the opposition. According to the latest opinion polls, the results will be in favour of the right-wing opposition, and I do not say left-wing, because the left-wing in Israel died and was buried many years ago.
These are the options on the table today, and perhaps there are other options, which have not come to mind and may occur at any time. They are all options that could redraw the map of events in the region. It is strange that the Arab side has taken the role of the spectator when it comes to the raging situation in the area. There is no sign of life from this side of the conflict other than from the Palestinian Resistance, which may act as the counterweight to choose between one option and the other.