STRATEGIC ASSESSMENT. According to a recent survey by pollster Denny JA LSI, the majority of people who opposed the relocation were supporters of former Jakarta governor Anies Baswedan as a presidential candidate in the 2024 election. The survey, which was held from May 30 to June 12, showed that the disagreeing respondents mostly voted for Anies (34.4 percent), followed by Ganjar’s and Prabowo’s supporters with 32.5 and 24.9 percent, respectively.
In a survey conducted by the Denny JA Indonesian Survey Institute (LSI) from May 30 to June 12, 43.7 percent of the public disagreed with the government’s decision to relocate the capital city from Jakarta. LSI Public Affairs Director Hanggoro Doso Pamungkas said one of the reasons the respondents disagreed with the capital movement was because they considered that Jakarta remained suitable as a capital city and moving to the new capital city (IKN) would waste the state budget.