Masjid Nabawi
STRATEGIC ASSESSMENT. It’s ridiculous if Israel is actually very afraid of Islam and its Muslims as illustrated in the sentence “yes indeed they/Muslims are below, but if they rise up we will be blown to pieces”… That is the fact today, Israel is massacring Palestinians indiscriminately, barbarously without humanity, the Israeli forces sadistically killed children, women, young and old without any sense at all. It looks like Israel is carrying out a genocide against the Palestinian population. How barbaric they are… But what is most surprising is where do the United Nations, the Gulf countries, the countries in the Middle East, seem to not care about the fate of the Palestinian nation?

This video is one of the millions of authentic evidence that Islam is developing rapidly on this earth. An American teenage girl who is the daughter of a Christian Pastor who later embraced Islama on her conscience after studying Islam in earnest… It turns out that Islam – according to her confession – is Peaceful, Simple/easy to understand, Equality in human beings anything and gender, Rationale & Scientific … These factors, among others, led to this girl’s interest in becoming a Muslimah… Alhamdulillahi rabbul aallamiin, all praise belongs to Allah.
Please pay attention, this video contains about the dangers of backbiting when we fast… Hopefully this is useful and Allah SWT keeps us away from things that are forbidden.
It is absolutely true that the Holy Qur’an nur Karim miracles of miracles as described by the World-class Da’i, the late Ahmad Didn’t… Of the 114 Surahs and 6,666 verses in them, all of them contain the Miracles of Allah SWT where there will not be a human being who is able to write even one word that is identical to the CONTENTS of the Qur’an… because the entire CONTENTS of this Holy Book is the Word of Allah, masya’Allah walhamdulillah walailahailallah Allahu Akbar… Be happy, proud and lucky for us as Muslims who was awarded the Holy Qur’an which is so authentic and up to date that it remains valid until the end of the Age/dooms day.
What a meaningful narration from a Muslim Scholar for us, Muslims, what should we do in this Holy month of Ramadan in order to get Allah’s blessing in carrying out His commands, fasting for this whole month because this is the only fasting worship that is intended for HIM , Allah azza wa jalla… Walahualambishawab.
It’s extraordinary that Hafidz from Mozambique whose name is Ridjaal Ahmed has a fantastic voice. Reading/reciting the verses of the Holy Qur’an he always recites with all his heart so animating that anyone who hears it is like being lulled and hypnotized… Subhanallah walhamdulillah walailahailallah Allahu Akbar… That was when he hummed praises to our beloved Prophet Muhammad SAW, really very stunning… Allah SWT gives privileges to those who have advantages in carrying out this Holy of Allah SWT… Walahualambishawab.
This is just fyi about people who tried to steal the body of our beloved Prophet Muhammad SAW.
A true story that really touches the heart… an authentical evidence that eeman – to the Almighty Allah SWT – can defeat everything including revenge… Righteous Allah with all HIS words… May we become HIS Creatures who have upright faith /istiqomah only to HIM, Allah SWT, aamiin aallahumma aamiin.