Acting Regent of West Aceh Mahdi Efendi, Photo by: Aceh Watch
STRATEGIC ASSESSMENT. The NGO namely The West Aceh Community Forum (Format) have assessed that the 100 working days of the West Aceh Acting Regent’s impact only hurt the local people with his policies. Head of Format West Aceh Rasyidin conveyed, the policy which was very unfortunate right on the 100th working day of the Acting Regent of West Aceh Mahdi Efendi, was the termination of the work contracts of hundreds of freelance daily workers (THL,red).
West Aceh Acting Regent Mahdi Efendi, even served 100 days on Wednesday 11 January 2023, the policies issued so far are considered to be more imagery and add new unemployment in the local area.
Another fact is the reality of the social inequality of the people of West Aceh in recent months, starting from high inflation to the problem of fuel oil (BBM) which Mahdi Efendi did not care about it.
Meanwhile, the Aceh People’s Advocacy Foundation (YARA) West Aceh Representative – Nagan Raya assessed that the 100-day working period of the Acting Regent of West Aceh, Mahdi Efendi, did not show any changes in West Aceh Regency. The Head of YARA Aceh Barat-Nagan Raya Representative, Hamdani said that for 100 days leading Mahdi Efendi was nothing more than imagery or political lipsticks.
Not only that, said Hamdani, the most disappointing thing in the 100 working days of the Acting Regent was that instead of thinking about how to build West Aceh, he instead issued a policy of laying off workers for freelance daily workers within the West Aceh Regency, as a gift for 100 days of his work.
Hamdani, asked the Indonesian Ministry of Home Affairs to evaluate the performance of the Acting District Head of West Aceh, so that in the future if he is still in office there will be policy changes that may benefit the people and the region.
In West Aceh, a draft Decree on the appointment of a special staff Acting West Aceh Regent Mahdi Efendi has also been circulated and has garnered quite a lot of public attention. The reason is, the document that has not been signed also contains a name or identity similar to one of the former corruption convicts in Southwest Aceh.
Whether this is true or not, the public is still waiting for an explanation from the Acting Regent of West Aceh, regarding the name HM Nafis Amanaf who was appointed as Special Staff for Bureaucratic Reform and Regional Development with a salary of IDR 3.5 million.
HM Nafis Amanaf’s name is similar to the former Southwest Aceh Regional Secretary who was sentenced to 1.5 years by the Tapaktuan District Court in 2012. Nafis was proven to have committed a criminal act of corruption in the procurement project for an ice factory generator engine in Lhok Pawoh, Manggeng District.