STRATEGIC ASSESSMENT. President Joko Widodo reminded regional heads in Indonesia regarding political stability ahead of the 2024 elections. Jokowi asked regional heads to maintain a conducive situation. This was conveyed by Jokowi when giving directions at the National Coordination Meeting (Rakornas) of Regional Heads and the Regional Leadership Coordination Forum (Forkopimda) with the theme Strengthening Economic Growth and Controlling Inflation.
This activity was also attended by President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) who was accompanied by all Coordinating Ministers and Ministers from the Advanced Indonesia Cabinet at the Sentul International Convention Center (SICC), Bogor Regency, Tuesday (17/1/2023).
This National Coordination Meeting was attended by 4,555 Regional Heads from the provincial and district/city levels throughout Indonesia. Meanwhile, the agenda of the National Coordination Meeting was divided into four discussion panels which were attended by regional heads.
Jokowi asked regional heads to ensure that the people do not become victims of politics, especially identity politics, which often occurs during elections. Not only regional heads, Jokowi also warned the TNI and Polri. Jokowi asked members of the TNI/Polri not to engage in practical politics. Jokowi also asked the TNI and Polri to map potential vulnerabilities. He asked the security forces to be ready to guard over the political year. Furthermore, Jokowi asked all of his staff to go to the field more often. Thus, cases of identity politics can be resolved immediately.
Meanwhile, Minister of Home Affairs Tito Karnavian reported that the Ministry of Home Affairs together with related ministries and institutions had taken various steps, namely routine coordination meetings every week. This routine coordination meeting is held as an effort to determine steps in dealing with inflation in every region throughout Indonesia which has been held since last October 2022.
Tito said, the regional economy showed a positive increase thanks to the collaboration between the central government and regional governments in accordance with President Jokowi’s directions.
He emphasized that Indonesia had succeeded in controlling the national inflation rate, which was marked by a decline in numbers in the last few months in 2022. Based on the data he obtained from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), Tito said that there had been a decrease in the inflation rate from September to November.
Nevertheless, he said, there was an increase in the inflation rate in December 2022. This increase was allegedly due to the 2023 Christmas and New Year celebrations with the inflation rate also being well controlled according to the data from the statistical center for September 2022 of 5.95 percent.
Then in October 2022 it fell to 5.71 percent and November 2022 fell by 5.42 percent, finally in December there was a slight increase of 5.51 percent due to a seasonal pattern due to Christmas and New Year’s celebrations.