STRATEGIC ASSESSMENT. The founder of Indonesia Islamic State (NII) Crisis Center Ken Setiawan said that students and youth community have vulnerability to be exposed radicalism paradigm or radicals ideology because most of them searching new paradigm to understanding their religion.
NII Crisis Center newest report in January 10th, 2023 from one of UIN Bandung student stated that 50 his colleagues at UIN Bandung have been exposing NII’s ideology.
According to Ken, there ara many factors which is triggering radicals ideology amids students amid such as firstly, students are in the age of their curriousity to do change, because of that, they are going to open mind to every informations. Secondly, in internet having influx of information which it can trigger radicals ideology fastly spreading. Cyber world is an imaginer room which is possibility for all of people to build their identity and their new world also creating communication with others whose are spreading radicals ideology. Thirdly, there are an alumni’s influences and the committee of stundents organization which were previously exposed by radicals ideology.
According to an informant, others campus in Bandung, West Java such as Padjajaran University (Unpad), Bandung Technology Institute (ITB), STT Telkom, Indonesia Education University (UPI) and Bandung Islamic University (Unisba) many of their students were exposed by radicals ideology.