STRATEGIC ASSESSMENT. Former Vice President, Jusuf Kalla has been making his statement on the closed proportional system or open election 2024. According to Jusuf Kalla or known as JK, the current of general election system which is implementing open proportional system is right, but we must avoide its negative sides as “orange eat orange” said JK to journalist when he stayed at Mampang Prapatan, Jakarta.
Furthermore, JK had claimed to promote open proportional system. At open proportional system, said JK, legislative candidate will campaign itself. “If we use the closed proportional systems, legislative candidate does not necessarily campaign, because all of campaign stages will be done by political party.” said JK.
Meanwhile in Banda Aceh, Aceh Province, Partai Nanggroe Aceh ( PNA), Partai SIRA, and Partai Darul Aceh ( PDA) had said that they were opposed to the closed proportional systems in 2024 general election. The political stance of three local Aceh’s political party are same with eight national political party such as Partai Golkar, Gerindra, NasDem, PKB, Demokrat, PKS, PAN and PPP which previously they were opposed those system.
PNA’s general secretary, Miswar Fuady said if closed proportional system will use on 2024 general election, it is clear that steps is retreat for democracy process in Indonesia, and this idea is betray to reformation spirit. Echoing with same narration, the closed proportional systems have been stating by SIRA party general secretary, Muhammad Daud and OKK DPP PDA chief, T Mudas.