STRATEGIC ASSESSMENT. Papua’s new autonomous region and 2024 general election” has deeply urgency to analise because its has several reasons such as the division of province in Papua which is tasked from Law Number 2 Years 2021 about Papua’s special autonomous especially chapter 76 devided in five paragraph the division must attention political, administrative, law, unity, sosial and culture, human resources readiness, basic infrastructure and economic capability.
Responding its, Indonesia’s House of Representative had legalized three the law of New autonomous region in Papua are South Papua province, Middle Papua province and Mount Papua province at Indonesia’s House of Representative on June 30th, 2022 in Jakarta.
After legalized the law of New autonomous region in Papua, pro and contra have been appearing and the resistance groups are informed that they will be held many mass rallies in several regions in Papua, and they spread their threats will do national civil strike.
At least, 5 urgent point related to the division of Papua province. Firstly, the urgency of local and leader bureaucracy who are having serve spirit to people and seriously developing new province in Papua.
Secondly, local government must realise local development program, anti-corruption and able to coordinating with central government.
Thirdly, new province in Papua need stable security condition.
Fourthly, new province in Papua need massively support from all of stakeholders.
Fiftly, if South Papua province, Middle Papua province and Mount Papua province, they must not held 2024 general election. Local election will start in three new province in Papua if they are ready and the law of general election has completely revised.
The urgent things in early of new province government is the government must go stable, so they can handle all of development hurdles in their territory.
Considering new autonomous region in Papua are South Papua province, Middle Papua province and Mountain Papua province before participating in 2024 general election, there are many problems must be firstly done by government and House of Representative are the law of new autonomous region in Papua is legalized by Indonesia’s House of Representative on June 30th, 2022; The ressistence to New autonomous region still continue and its has the potency of conflict; Many problems related to the readiness of 2024 general election in New autonomous region; New autonomous region law legalizing and its implication on 2024 general election (Red).