STRATEGIC ASSESSMENT. For Muslims around the world, they have two holly moment are Eid Fitri and Eid Adha which always celebrating each years. Eid Fitri is holly moment for Muslim to give and to beg pardon all of their negative activities to others Muslim people which can create sin. After all Muslims have shaked hands each others, their sin have forgiven by Allah SWT, the only one God.
Before celebrating Eid Fitri, all of Muslims around the world must do harvest time during one month and in the ten days before Eid Fitri, Muslims will hope to get “Lailatul Qadr” a one special night which time God will give their mercy as long 81 years. Because of that, “Lailatul Qadr” is a supreme target which is planed to get it, but just only God know who man or woman are taking “Lailatul Qadr”.
Meanwhile, Eid Adha or known as haj day is a special moment during haj process will be done with million Muslims around the world in Saudi Arabia visiting Masjidil Haram and other holly places according to prophet Muhammad’s teach and do during his life.
Differenting with Eid Fitri, in Eid Adha all of Muslims around the world who have more money must by cow, goat or camel. Those animals must be slaughtered and the meat is devided among the poor. This religious teachings has shown Muslims must give their furtune to others people to show how big Islam’s generous. In the Eid Adha, the rich and capable Muslims around the world must go to Mecca doing haj process also they will go to pilgrim holly places in Mecca or Madinah, Saudi Arabia.
Both of Eid Fitri and Eid Adha have higgest religious teachings. There are Muslim must give forgiveness to others people who had mistakes to them. Muslim must give and share their fortune to unlucky people around their life both their are Muslim or other religion. So, we can understand how noble and perfect the teachings of Islam. From we learn in Islam’s teachings so we can take deep lesson learned, it is show that Islam doest not teach their followers being a bad person because the best of humans are those who are beneficial to others (Red).