STRATEGIC ASSESSMENT. Jakarta. President Jokowi estimated that Indonesia’s third peak of COVID-19 transmission would occur in the second or third week of July 2022, thus, a number of restrictions began to be enforced again.
He said the government will evaluate the PPKM policy given the high number of new infections that reached 1,614 on July 3 while the booster or third-dose vaccination rate was only 24.5 percent.
President Jokowi urged the Cabinet ministers and ministerial-level officials to ramp up the promotion of health protocols amid the surge in COVID-19 cases in Indonesia.
President Jokowi on Monday has decided to include third-dose vaccinations or booster shots as a requirement to conduct mass-public activities and public transportation rides, Economic Affairs Coordinating Minister Airlangga Hartarto said on Monday.
Airlangga said the Covid-19 Task Force had also issued a circular that requires organizers of crowd activities to include proof of vaccine booster shots, adding that Jokowi also urged people to push the use of the PeduliLindungi app.
Meantime, COVID-19 Task Force spokesperson Wiku Adisasmito on Friday said Indonesia was the country with the most significant increase in cases at the global level. At least in the last 28 days, COVID-19 cases in Indonesia rose by 620 percent.
In the last two days, there were more than 2,000 daily confirmed cases. The government advised the public to be disciplined in carrying out health protocols, especially in wearing masks (Red).