STRATEGIC ASSESSMENT. Jakarta. More needs to be done to promote tolerance and preserve the national ideology Pancasila, prominent Muslim thinkers have said, as the country prepares to face another potentially polarizing general election in 2024.
During a seminar hosted by the Jakarta-based Centre for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) on Wednesday, Muslim intellectual Azyumardi Azra said that while he remained optimistic that most Indonesians would firmly hold on to the national ideology, he also noted recent “challenges”, particularly in what he saw as the weakening of certain Pancasila values.

“For the most part, aspects of Pancasila right now are just lip service. If we can compare the current situation to how it was practiced during the time of Buya Syafii, there’s a big difference,” Azyumardi said.

Meanwhile, Indonesia’s strategic issue observer, Raymond Ferry Hariyanto said several signs of the weakening of certain Pancasila values such as the influx of hoax, hate-speech in social media, unstoppable corruption, abuse of power especially using state budget, the grow and massive support to other values which are “head to head” with Pancasila such as “Khilafatul Muslimin”, liberal religious teachings, the spreading and sparkling of LGBT community and “unprofessional buzzer” who are sell unlogic idea just only propaganda in social media.

“If above several social patology can be solved or tackled by the government and all of stakeholders, Pancasila right now are just lip services,” Raymond asserted (Red).