STRATEGIC ASSESSMENT. Liberal Islam mosque in Berlin, Germany has been rising colorful flag to support LGBT community amids Price events.
Ibn Rusyd-Goethe mosque has claimed as the one of “liberal mosque” in Germany has spreaded out symbolic flags in front of several people in Friday (1/7/2022).
Berlin cultural’s senator Klaus Lederer and Kai Wegner had attended in this event, when all of participants have weared badge with slogant “love is expensive”.
Seyran Ate, the founder of mosque in Independent said spreading out those flag is essential for Muslim GBT+.
According to Queer.de, he reiterated that that is shown they are not must choose between faith and their sexual identity, but accepting them as who they are. Not only supporting LGBT, in this mosque both man and woman can daily pray in the same line (saf). Even, the woman can allow to wear everything and can be pray leader for the man.
Mo el-Ketab, one of the leader of mosque to Deutsche Welle Germany reporter said religious body is the safe place for the different people, indeed they can enjoy their spiritual life. The movement has done Pride last weekend with most of cities hopes thousand peoples can participate in parade to supporting LGBT. In Berlin, Pride commonly as Berlin Christopher Street Day (CSD) and it will be held in July 23th.
CSD legislative member Marc Eric-Lehmann who has participated in mosque flag ceremony as described it is strong signals for LGBT communities.
On Saturday, July 2nd, Pride in London hopes million of people must be involved or participated on this parade. Those will celebrate 50 years since the first of Pride in London was held in 1972.
Meanwhile in Jakarta, Indonesia, security and global threat pundits, Asri Kareng Jumadi said Pride in London is the religious blashphemy to Islam. “The member of liberal mosque in Berlin Germany is predicted they will be targeted by Muslim’s defenders and fighters around the world. And 23 July, when their parade will be done maybe is the right time for global cell terror will attack them,” said Kareng explained and predicted.