STRATEGIC ASSESSMENT. Jakarta. The United Nations General Assembly has accorded the resolution which have stated that March 15 as International Days against Islamophobia. That resolution has been adobted through concensus among 193 world council and its has sponsored by 55 Muslim’s countries. Those resolution has reminded that regilious and beliefs freedom right and 1981 resolution has assured that “eliminating all of type of intolerant and discrimination against religion and beliefs”.
The roots of Islamophobia are political attitude which can nor absorb cultural, norms, religious teaching or different ideology; how to interpret of history; negative stereotype which have produced bias, discriminations, marginalization, groups exclusivity to retain their existence, intolerance, predjudice to people who has different religious and ideology, narrowly democracy paradigm, hatred, exerberate fanatism, radical ideology reflection, anti minority, xenophobia, white supremacist ideology, stigmatisation etc.
Paradoxically is although social patology as Islamophobia has been spreading around the world especially which have happened at Muslims minority community such as Uighur in China and Rohingya in Myanmar, but political stands and affirmative actions from the Muslim’s countries such as Turkey, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Kazakhstan, Kyrgystan etc have been questioned (Red).