STRATEGIC ASSESSMENT. The relations of Islam and Hindu followers in India is seems running unharmonized and not inclusive, indeed the India’s government tends to defence of Hindu followers interest rather than others groups. These relation can easily make India under tribes, religious and groups violence spirals.
The chaotic situation in India as the reflection of the absence of diversity, which has been reflecting by nothing inclusive political stands from radicals politician who are ruled in India. Diversity can create if amid the society has built inclusive norms and values. Inclusive attitude can create through respects and mutual communication amongs society eventhough they have religious differences.
What’s happened in India has been cleared reflecting morale decadency and nothing individual responsibilities to others interest. These phenomenon has been wreach havoced by lunatics politician through their intention and maneuvre to upgrade their political image.
At least, we have two lesson learned from tribes, religious and groups violence in India such as firstly society groups, religious groups, political groups or majority groups do not arrogant to another groups, because it could create human rights violence and its has potentially crushed the harmonization relationship amongs religious groups and followers in Indonesia, including its could trigger political and security instability.
Secondly, Bharata Janata Party (BJP) is political party which is based on political ideology defending certain religious in India is Hindu. It is makesense if BJP protecting and defending Hindu’s interest in India, eventhough their final outcome being counterproductively for India’s national interest, especially ending tensions between Hindu followers and Islam followers. Because of that, if any political party which is based on certain religious interest in Indonesia, we hope our society do not choose them in the next general elections, because their won has been threatening Indonesia’s solidity.
Tribes, religious and groups violence in India has created negative impacts for India’s itself such as creating polarization amid India’s society; Security instability can easily create through hatespeech and unresponsible statement from their politician; Never ending religious and ethnics tension; International community have judged that many of “lunatics politician” in India; Diplomatic relationship between India and several Muslim’s countries will be disturbed; Muslim’s travelers around the world do not go to India for traveling.
For Indonesia, India’s religious, tribes and groups violence have given some of positive learned such as Indonesia’s citizen can realize the urgency of harmonize religious communication and relationship including the core impact for the existency of Indonesia’s tenet, Pancasila to maintan peaceful condition and harmonize relationship amongs difference stakeholders in Indonesia (Red).