STRATEGIC ASSESSMENT. On August 26 th, 2019, President Joko Widodo had announced that new capital city will be built in Penajam Paser Utara Region and Kutai Kartanegara Region, East Kalimantan Province. This “political wish” has taken law legitimation after House of Representative was approved and signed Law Number 3 year 2022 about new city capital on January 18th, 2022.
At least, New Capital City which is name as IKN Nusantara has 5 smart city principles such as : firstly, smart workplace is the city which is interconnecting and high collaboration among stakeholders. Through implementing the design of consolidated and connected government complex will make healthy workplace, human being oriented, highest outcome and green office concept.
Secondly, smart living is the city which is implementing highest outcome live, efficient and livable indeed creating community based inclusive living complex.
Thirdly, smart mobility and transportation is the city based on fast, efficient and healthy transportation for the resident which is supported 80 percent public transportation transit, condusive situation for pedestrian, and it is adopted the concept of smart transport and autonomous system.
Fourthly, smart nature preservation is mean the city which is still to keep natural ecosystem and natural live synergy such as increasing the miscellaneous and diversity of flora and fauna and developing botanical garden and International Center for Tropical Forestry.
Fiftly, smart transformation of nation and culture is mean the city will put forward cultural live through togetherness symbolic space to celebrate the wholeness and Indonesia’s diversity.
In this strategic assessment will analysed several problems telated to new city capital in East Kalimantan Province such as: law umbrella city capital moving and judicial review to the Law of New Capital City; New Capital City funding’s issues; The resistance of new city capital from several interest groups;Concerning about natural damage and local wisdom;Political and defense issues related to moving new city capital.
From this strategic assessment will give several recommendation such as firstly Information and Communication Ministry with Public Relations Coordination Agency must be amplified supporting of new city capital through making positive opinion on social media, local and national mass media. Secondly, President Staff Office, National Development Planning Agency, State Secretary Ministry and Human Rights and Law Ministry must accelerate the breakdown of law to support new city capital moving. Thirdly, optimalizing role and function of Presidential Suggest House (Wantimpres), President Staff Office’s expert team and expert team in all of government offices making positive opinion related to new city capital. Fourthly, Security and Political Coordination Ministry must rally Constitusional Court in making judicial review decisions (Red/Tommy CK).