STRATEGIC ASSESSMENT.-Jakarta. Foreign Affairs Ministry spokesperson Teuku Faizasyah regretted the British Embassy action for hoisting the rainbow flag, a symbol of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgendered (LGBT) people, next to the U.K. flag in the U.K. Embassy office in Jakarta.
He claimed that the move, which was accompanied by a publication on the British Embassy’s official social media account, was inappropriate and sparked a debate among Indonesians. He reminded all foreign representatives in Indonesia to maintain and respect Indonesia’s sensitivities and beliefs. Faizasyah said Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi would summon the British Ambassador in Jakarta to seek for clarification on the hoisting of the LGBT flag.
Muhammadiyah Central Leadership Chair Anwar Abbas on Saturday said Muhammadiyah deeply regretted the British Embassy’s disrespect for the Republic of Indonesia by hoisting the LGBT flag. Anwar Abbas said no single faith in Indonesia tolerates the behavior of LGBT people. He added LGBT is not a human right, but a deviant behavior that can be treated. (Red/many sources)