By Toni Ervianto
STRATEGIC ASSESSMENT-Rusia has been inventioning in Ukraine since 3 month ago and until now there is still difficult to predict who will win.
Recently, Ukraine’s intelligence officer had shown data about at least more than 25.000 Russian military personel were died. Russia does not command to this information.
Meanwhile, Russia has been claiming their several battle won against Ukraine’s military. Russian’s President, Vladimir V Putin has said on May 9th, 2022, Russia Will win war over Ukraine but Ukraine’s President Velodymyr Zelensky just smile and he does not give deeply attention on Russian’s intention. Zelensky has given his support and salute on Ukraine’s military personel valor against Russia.
However, Russia vs Ukraine war has been crrating prolonged uncertaintty for global community. Many international issues pundits have worried those war can create WW III and it’s start with Russia has echoesed intention starting nuclear attacks to whose country have been supported Ukraine such as the United States, United Kingdom or British, Poland, Germany, Sweden, Finland etc. Indeed, both US and British have believed that Russia does not enough brave to start nuclear war and especially British Will ready to counter it.
Recently, this war has triggered globally oil, gas and food hike prices. Domestic Russia economy condition has reported western media going worst and recession. Similiarity situation have happened mainly in Europe.
Indeed, Russia has seiously problem if this war Will go for long time because US, Germany and British have given military weapons assistsnce for Ukraine. Even though, Russia has won in Donbass, Luhansk and Mariupol but Russia still difficult conquering Lyiv and Kyiv.
From military technically, Russia can easily defeat Ukraine if US and their allies do not support Ukraine. Now, we must pray Putin does not start nuclear war because if it is happening, the world destiny will go to worst and slippery way. We are not want to see it. But it is very difficult to stop the war because both of Russia and Ukraine have same optimism to win the war.
The writer had earned his master at the University of Indonesia. He likes to observe an international issues.