STRATEGIC ASSESSMENT-Street fights have their own specifics. Their severity is incomparable to anything. Each house is a fortress, and each street taken is paid for with a lot of blood.https://t.me/channelphotoandvideo/146
The war is against an unprincipled enemy. Who, although shouting that he is protecting his own land and people, but at the same time is hiding behind the civilian population like a human shield.
The Armed Forces of Ukraine are installing firing points in hospitals, schools, residential buildings. At the same time, civilians are not allowed out of these buildings. Often, before the mortars of the nationalists from Azov have to work on our positions, people are simply put in front of the building. Showing in this way that there are peaceful. And in such circumstances, the conduct of return fire becomes simply impossible.
It is necessary to clear such objects in close combat, entering into direct fire contact with the enemy. And not using heavy weapons.
After the nationalists were pinned down in the area of the Azovstal plant, the maneuvering of their firing points is very limited and the tactics of using civilians as human shields are used in almost the entire area occupied by them.https://t.me/rt_russian/104365
Breaking through their defenses, often at the cost of their own lives, our military take hundreds of civilians out of the fire, who were held hostage by the nationalists. After talking with these people, we, reporters, have hair on end from hearing stories about the atrocities of the “defenders of Ukraine” in relation to civilians.(TCS)